Frederick County

Forest Conservancy District Board

September 8, 2008 Meeting Minutes

  1. Logging site exam: A large plan for the Thurmont Watershed was submitted. Mike would like to visit the site on one of the following days with the 19th being up in the air since I’ll have to reschedule a landowner meeting to be available.( September 19, 24, 25) Please let me know if you would like to attend on one of these dates.

  2. Big Tree Program: Lynne discussed the training we received and it was everybody’s consensus that we needed additional time. After some discussion we decided to hold training before the October meeting at 6:00 pm at Gambrill. Lynne also mentioned that she would like to develop a Big Tree brochure that can be distributed and had some examples from other boards. Lynne and Tyson will work on developing such a handout for the Frederick Board. Tyson asked folks to provide input on the form he developed for recording measurements. Everybody thought it was fine although there are somewhat confusing conversion factors involved with the measurements you take and the final point values. It was suggested that we consider these points and possibly rectify them by placing simple conversion factors on the back of the form.

  3. Web Site: Many mentioned that our Web Site is wonderful and we have Tyson to thank. Tyson suggested that people view the site on a monthly basis to keep up with changes of content.

  4. Gypsy Moth: The Frederick County Gypsy Moth Task Force will be meeting with Frederick County Commissioners on 9-11-08 to discuss the 2008 program. Mike will be there and Lynne will try to make the meeting.

  5. NRCC: Lynne mentioned that she received another wonderful letter from our other attendee which she forwarded to Tyson for posting on the Web Site. Lynne was present for much of the camp and said that we had a really good group of attendees this year. With the exception of two counties every other county provided at least one student and funding for the camp. Lynne attended the critique of the camp and said that most comments were favorable although we had an $800 deficit in the budget this year. Lynne said in light of our large budget should we appropriate funds to cover this cost or supply money for the endowment. After much discussion it was decided to check to see at what time should a contribution to the endowment be made so that it would be eligible for matching funds?

  6. Nature Notes: Everybody thinks Ginny is doing a wonderful job with this column. Ginny mentioned that she would like to find additional contributors. Mike will ask some wildlife people he knows if they would like to contribute. Ginny asked Mike to do an article on bacterial leaf scorch and Mike said that he would.

  7. State Association Meeting: The meeting will be held on Saturday, October 4 in Annapolis. Lynne reviewed the meeting and said that it should be informative and important since we are electing new officers to the association. Lynne mentioned that a grant has been submitted that has the potential of making available a large amount of money ($100,000) to each forestry board.

  8. Frederick Fair: Tom mentioned that he will be staffing the Monocacy – Catoctin Alliance booth at the Frederick Fair on Monday September 15, 2008 from 3-9 pm representing the Forestry Board. It was mentioned that we should begin promoting NRCC at this event since many candidates would be visiting the booth.