Heron Series
Black and Yellow Crowned Night Herons
Little and Great Blue Herons
Green and Tricolor Herons
Black Crowned Night Herons are social birds
Great blue herons are magnificent and territorial
Little blue herons stalk their prey
The elusive green heron
The tale of two herons
American Holly and Ruffed Grouse
American Kestrel
American Wigeon
American Woodcock
Bald eagles are America’s pride
Baltimore Oriole
Bird migration
Birds on the move
Birds, bees and blooms
Buzzards of Hinckley
Chipping sparrows return, goldfinches color up
Common Loon
Crows and ravens
Decline of American kestrel
Eastern Wild Turkeys
Frederick County is Batty
Give cavity nesters room
Golden Eagle
Grackles vs. stink bugs
Broad-Winged hawk
Cooper's hawk
Northern Goshawk
Red-shouldered hawk
Red tail hawk
Hope for the American kestrel
Indigo Bunting
It's snow time!
Kirtland's Warbler
Local Canada Geese remain in winter
Mourning Doves
Natural harbingers of spring
Barn Owl
Barred Owl
Eastern Screech Owl
Great Horned Owl
Northern Saw-Whet Owl
Potomac Valley bald eagles
Red Knot
Ring-neck pheasant
Sapsucker Damage to Trees
Snow Geese
Social woodpeckers, jolly holly berries and hot wood
Thanksgiving with turkey
The cedar waxwing: A gregarious eater
Vultures in Frederick County
Winter cold and bird migration
Winter crows
Winter food source for birds
Wood ducks
Woodland Wildlife Habitat