2009-04 April meeting minutes
Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
April 13, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Those present: Keith Schoonover, Lynne Marquess, Ginny Brace, Jim Arnold, Tyson Rose, Steve Cassis, Mike Kay
Keith called the meeting to order. The February minutes were approved with one correction; in item 10, the minutes should read that Lynne attended the Bugs and Blights workshop instead of Ginny.
Treasurer’s Report
Steve Cassis was introduced to those present. Steve lives on Alton Road near Libertytown and has been very active in tree planting and establishing wildlife habitat on his farm. Mike invited Steve to our meeting to see what the Forestry Board does and to consider if he would like to become a member. Thanks for your interest in the our meeting Steve.
NRCC Camp: Lynne mentioned that funding is down for the camp along with applications for prospective students. Mike indicated that he has not received any applications yet or heard from any prospective students. Lynne and David Keene attended a careers day at Thomas Johnson High and distributed brochures to a number of students and Tyson drafted an informative article on our web site. It was suggested that we could send Kay Schultz an announcement to be displayed on the Monocacy – Catoctin Watershed Alliance Web Site. Mike will keep in touch and indicate whether or not we need to schedule interviews before our May meeting.
Logging Site Exams: No plans came in prior to our meeting.
Gypsy Moth: Due to funding restrictions the MDA had to drop 40 spray blocks on 5,400 acres. As a result, the supplemental program picked up additional landholdings and has extended the sign-up period. So far we have approximately 300 landowners on board for 5,000 acres in the supplemental program.
Interpretive Signs: Ginny had a practice sign prepared by Frederick Sign and Banner for $19 which she really likes and has placed in Waterford Park. Ginny will have more information forthcoming at a future meeting.
Small Woodlot Management: Lynne distributed the brochures and we discussed the program. Mike will touch base with Terry and see what he expects in support from the Forestry Board. Ginny, Tyson, and Keith indicated that they are able to help with this program as necessary.
Web Site: Tyson indicated that he has updated the site including a lot of new articles. Tyson asked that we send him an update on gypsy moth and a short blurb on the Small Woodlot Management program for posting.
Frederick County Sustainability Commission: Mike sent notices via email a few weeks ago and Tom Anderson responded saying he would like to apply on behalf of the Forestry Board. Tom has subsequently submitted an application. Tyson thought that it would be a good idea to send a letter of recommendation on behalf of the Forestry Board for Tom’s application. Steve mentioned that this has the potential to be a very active and beneficial organization if the right people are appointed to the board. Tyson made a motion to have the board send a letter of recommendation to the Commissioners. The motion was seconded and approved by those present. Mike will jot down a draft letter and submit it for review. Once the final letter is drafted we can send it to Keith for his signature and mailing.
Nature Notes: Ginny said that the Outdoor Section of the News Post is almost nonexistent and she has called and emailed inquiring about the status of our column. Ginny will try to contact the editor and inquire about the status, stating the Board’s desire to continue with this column. The fact that spring is beginning and plants are blooming might serve as the impetus to renew the column.
Video: Tyson stated that he received a copy of the “Man Who Planted Trees” from Kay Schultz and thought it was a good video. It was suggested that we could air the video “prior” to a summer meeting with some popcorn and sodas. Tyson suggested we incorporate some Corona but Mike mentioned the Park’s policy against alcohol consumption which put a damper on everybody’s spirits. (The cold wet weather did not help one bit either.)
Big Tree Program: Lynne indicated that the large elm at Frederick High had been reclassified from a Red “Slippery” elm back to its original designation of an English elm. As such, this tree is being taken of the MD Big Tree listing since it is not a native species. (Although it remains a National Champion.) John Bennett attended the Legislative Breakfast and staffed an exhibit on the Big Tree Program. John’s exhibit was very poplar but attendance was light at this event.
Spring Meeting: Keith, Lynne, and Larry are attending this meeting. Keith will meet up with Larry and pick up Lynne in route to Annapolis. Keith will coordinate travel arrangements.