Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
February 13, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Those present: Ginny Brace, Tom Anderson, Keith Schoonover, Steve Thrasher, Michelle Donahue, Jim Arnold, Heather Montgomery, Lynne Marquess, Tyson Rose, Mike Kay
Keith called the meeting to order. January’s minutes were approved as written.
Membership: Keith and others welcomed Claude Eans to the board and have his membership certificate waiting for him at the next meeting. (Claude has or had the flu). P.S. Heather’s membership came in on Wednesday. Congratulations to Claude and Heather! Michelle requested an application, which Mike will send to her.
Treasury: Tom wrote a check to the Nursery for $565.00 for 1,000 seedlings to be planted in Woodsboro Park. Tom received $600 from local Lions Clubs to purchase trees for this planting which will be held on March 31, 2012.
Logging site exams: Four plans have been submitted which Mike visited on behalf of the Board since he was in the general locations this week. As such, we are done now! For February anyway.
Neighborhood Green: Heather mentioned that the upcoming spring workshop will be held at Linganore High school cafeteria on Saturday, May 12. Heather said that there will be a $25 fee per person or $35/couple for the training. Heather wondered whether the Forestry Board would be willing to help with the $150 room fee should funds be required after the registration fees were applied to this expense. After much discussion it was decided to donate the Woods in Your Backyard books that we have for this workshop and pay up to $150 for the room after the registration fees have been applied to it.
Big Tree Program: Michelle and Lynne visited Steve Thrasher’s property and measured a large hackberry and American holly. The hackberry is the largest hackberry in Frederick County and the forth largest in the state. The group also measured a number of other properties looking at white oaks, flowering dogwood, and black (sweet) birch. Michelle added that she used the laser hypsometer and found it useful if not a bit complicated.
Big Tree Contest: John Bennett suggested that the Frederick Board sponsor a big tree contest whereby the Board would choose a particular tree i.e. (Norway spruce) and we would run an article in the paper describing the program, and asking residents to nominate a large Norway spruce to be measured to find a county champion. Norway spruce is being considered since there is no existing Frederick County champion, and this tree is fairly easy to identify and measure. There was some discussion about the choice of Norway spruce some thinking that a Maryland Native tree should be considered. Another thought is that the Board consider citing a tree per month to be measured for this program.
Big Tree Website: John Bennett asked members to consider funding a website devoted to the Big Tree program similar to the site created in the State of Pennsylvania. The initial cost of development will be $450 and there will be a $15/ monthly maintenance fee. John will discuss this proposition at the upcoming winter meeting. Please see Michelle’s email for more information on this website
Forestry Lecture Series: The opening lecture about Frederick County’s Green Infrastructure Plan and the Neighborhood Green Program will be on Thursday, March 1, 2012. Heather and Jessica Seip will be the speakers at this program. Mike will bring some light refreshments. Ginny volunteered to send a notice to the Newspaper’s Garden Calendar to help advertise the program. Mike will see if Karen Gardner can do an article on the program. Other Board members that accepted the role as facilitator are encouraged to begin planning for their program. Ginny displayed some of the books she was able to procure from Delaware Extension and asked members to consider whether they think these books would be worthwhile to distribute at the lectures. Ginny indicated that she can obtain about 250 copies of each.
NRCC: Lynne indicated that she received a supply of brochures for distribution and she provided Mary Cramer with a supply to display at the county libraries. So far we have not received any applications from Frederick County students. Lynne mentioned that she will visit camp again this year and write a feature article for the DNR Magazine on the camp.
Nature Notes: Ginny said that we have a slight backlog of articles but she can always use more. Forester, Melissa Stevens contacted Ginny and volunteered to provide articles if Ginny needed some. Ginny will accept Melissa’s offer.
Web Site: Tyson Mentioned that the site is up to date and he placed the Backyard Bird Count in the current “spot light” section.
Winter Meeting: Lynne, Michelle, and Jim intend to attend this meeting and Mike will meet them at the Rt. 75 Park and Ride at 7:45 on Saturday, March 10, 2012 to carpool down together.
Ginny’s hand: Ginny relayed her hand injury from a sharp pruning saw. We all wish Ginny a speedy recovery and Mike can demonstrate the one handed typing technique if Ginny would like to learn how to master it.