Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
October 8, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Those present: Steve Thrasher, Tom Anderson, Claude Eans, Jim Arnold, Heather Montgomery, Keith Schoonover, Tom Anderson, Ginny Brace, Tyson Rose, Vince Perrotta, Mike Kay
Call to order: Keith called the meeting to order and September’s Minutes were approved as written.
Membership: Keith welcomed Vince back to the meeting and mentioned that he hoped Vince enjoys the upcoming meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom indicated that he received $626.56 from Heather for the purchase of trees for Neighborhood Green. Heather gave Tom eight more checks for the same purpose. Mike mentioned that Lindsay Major sent an email requesting account information from all of the boards. After much debate Heather volunteered to contact Lindsay for more information.
Logging site exams: Mike received 3 plans for October that the board reviewed. Keith remarked that many landowner objective statements seem to be rather general and really did not specify what the landowner’s objectives were. Keith remarked that we should ask those who submit plans to be more specific with their objective statement. Mike and Steve decided to meet on Wednesday, October 10 at 8:00 am at Gambrill to conduct the field review.
Big Tree Program: Ginny said that she would inquire with Michelle if there were any new developments in this program.
Neighborhood Green: Heather explained that the program is in the process of receiving cost share payments for individuals who wish to proceed with a planting in 2013. The landowner must pay for the seedlings and the program will pay for the planting, tree shelters, stakes etc. With this arrangement the Neighborhood Green program pays 75% and the landowner covers the remaining 25%. Heather noted that she has received payment from many of the smaller properties but none of the larger ones. Heather stated that the NG Committee will be meeting in November to discuss this and to brainstorm ideas on how to incentivise the larger properties to touch with a gentleman who should be able to contribute bird related articles.
Web Site: Tyson reports that the site is up to date and that he has a camera to take photos for our members profile.
Tree Farm Tour: Claude mentioned that the Tree Farm tour scheduled for next week was cancelled due to low registration. The Tree Farm Committee will revisit this next spring.
Tom mentioned that he had finally been appointed as a member of Frederick County’s Sustainability Commission.
Tom, Tyson, and Nate Anderson staffed the Monocacy – Catoctin Watershed Alliance / Sustainability booth at the Frederick Fair and had their usual good time. Heather thanked Tyson and Tom for their help.