Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
February 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Those present: Ginny Brace, Tom Anderson, Steve Thrasher, Andy Driscoll, Heather Montgomery, Vince Perrotta, Keith Schoonover Claude Eans, Dave Hunter, Jim Arnold, Tyson Rose, Mike Kay
Despite very icy inclement weather all members showed up to this meeting.
If this is not a tough bunch of folks I don’t know what is. Let’s not discuss
Packers loss….
Call to order: Keith called the meeting to order.
Membership: Mike collected reappointment forms from, Jim, Tom, Ginny, and Claude. These forms were signed by Keith and they will be submitted for reappointment.
Treasury: Tom indicated that we received $.43 in interest. We were all surprised that our interest payments were essentially cut in half!
Timber Harvest Plans: Mike received two plans on Sugarloaf Mountain for Stronghold and Carroll Shry. Mike will make plans with Tyson and anybody else that would like to join us. Mike will also notify Russ Thompson at Stronghold to see if he would like to join us as well.
Office of Sustainability: Heather mentioned that Jeff Feaga is working with Catoctin Creek Park on a tree planting scheduled for spring. Tom mentioned that a grant has been submitted designed to offer funding for pumping out septic systems to help improve water quality.
Emerald Ash Borer program: Mike mentioned that the agenda is set, speakers have been confirmed, and we will be utilizing the facility at Fox Haven Learning Center for the program. The program is set to run on Thursday March 19. Much discussion revolved around publicity for the program, we discussed ways to get the word out to larger landowners that might have ash in their forest as well as homeowners that might have trees in their yard. Mike will try to develop a postcard that has the details of this class so that we can mail it if necessary. Tom drafted a notice that will run in the Green Section of the newspaper and Mike will put together a Nature Notes column. Members accepted various assignments for getting the word out. Mike asked members to let him know if they will be in attendance.
Key Parkway cleanup: Ginny brought up the possibility of the board participating/co-sponsoring the cleanup of the park at the corner of Key Parkway and McCain Dr, across from the Home Depot on US 40. There is still significant planning and Ginny was to learn more about the city’s commitment. Jim suggested a longer term goal may be appropriate such that the park area is not only cleaned up, but maintained with plantings and long term invasive control. After some good discussion it was decided to delay and decision pending further information about other participants and if there is a long term goal for the park.
Scout Merit Badge: Claude mentioned that the program is scheduled for October 26, 2015 at the Walkersville Watershed. Claude will be sending around a signup sheet so that we can formally delineate the programs we wish to teach. Jim mentioned that there is a chance that he might be able to arrange for a portable sawmill to be there.
Uniforms: Tom brought a sample of the patch that was made up for people to inspect and most liked the design. We discussed the merits of purchasing hi-vis vests for everybody and it was suggested that we obtain a sample to make sure this is what we want before buying them for everybody. A motion was made to purchase one vest to bring to the next meeting to display to all. The motion was seconded and passed by those present. Ginny will purchase the vest and have it available at the next meeting.
Nature Notes: Ginny is happy with the volume of articles that have been generated. Ginny requested that Tyson identify the author of the eagle article on the Web site and Tyson said that he would. Mike did an article about the State Highway plantings and will follow up with an article about the variety of trees that are being used. Mike will also do an article on emerald ash borer.
Web Site: Tyson said that the site is up to date. Tyson indicated that he will check the eagle article to make sure that the author of this article has been credited.
New Business:
John Bennett notified Mike that there are a lot of Big Trees in Frederick County that need to be remeasured. Mike told John that he would try to identify Forestry Board members that would like to remeasure these trees. Claude and Steve have worked with measuring Big Trees and they indicated a desire to help out. Heather and Dave also mentioned that they would like to help if possible. Mike will contact John Bennett to tell him that we will measure the trees; then, we can make plans for measuring the trees. A suggestion was made to conduct these measurements during the dormant season but waiting until it warms up a bit.