Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
October 5, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Those Present: Claude Eans, Steve Thrasher, Tom Anderson, Keith Schoonover, Lori Schoonover, Ginny Brace, Tyson Rose, Dave Hunter, Mike Kay
Tom called the meeting to order. (At first hardly anybody was there so Claude, Steve, Tom, and Mike hoped to sneak in a quick meeting.)
Treasurer’s report: Tom mentioned that we received $.31 interest for the month and spent $63.46 for an informative emerald ash borer treatment sign and $8.87 for the post, to be installed in Waterford Park.
Logging site exams: Mike mentioned that no plans were sent for October. {The rest of the group arrives. We proceed. Act II}
Office of Sustainability: Tom mentioned that the Chair elect decided not to accept the leadership role for 2016. As such the previous chair (Tom) was asked to serve one more term and Tom accepted. Tom also indicated that the home upgrade program has accepted numerous applications for their grant program.
Big Tree Program: According to Mike the News Post Article that overviewed the Forestry Board’s role in measuring Big Tree spurred a lot of interest, and requests for measuring trees throughout the county. Mike received about 50 emails and numerous phone calls from people that would like to have trees measured. Mike asked the folks to review the statewide list of big trees and submit a nomination form for the trees they would like to have measured. Mike displayed the nomination forms and asked how we wish to proceed with the program. After much discussion the general consensus was that the program was a good way to interact with the public and to promote a worthwhile program. Ginny volunteered to contact those that submitted forms to advise them that we were going to wait at least on month to measure to ensure that we have the majority of nomination forms, and that the leaves will be off the trees so seeing the canopy outline will be easier. Ginny will also ask them to submit a photo so we can identify the tree and possibly weed out trees that clearly do not have championship potential. Mike gave the nomination forms to Ginny. Many members expressed interest in measuring trees.
Invasive Species Program: Mike indicated that Heather looked into obtaining a room at the Thurmont Library for March, 2016 but the 2016 online schedule had not been posted. Heather asked Mike to provide a date so she could see if they would reserve the room for that date over the phone. After some discussion the date of Tuesday, March, 15, 2016 was suggested for the training and most thought this would be a good date. The next step is to reserve the room and develop an agenda.
Scout Merit Badge program: Claude mentioned that he spoke to Mr. Jim Biggings about incorporating a program with the Cub Scouts along with the Boy Scouts. Claude mentioned that the Boy Scout training had been cancelled, which disappointed Jim. Claude had a Cub Scout requirement handout for the merit badge an overviewed it. The Cub Scouts requirements are not as rigorous as the Boy Scouts. Much of the requirement is for scouts to understand that environmental impacts affect not only plant and animal communities but people as well; and, the scouts should view their actions in this context. Claude suggested that one approach would be for the Cub Scouts to attend the Boy Scout training and participate in the ecology, forest management, and watershed portion of the training. Another suggestion that Mike had might be to see if we can arrange a small planting project for Cub Scouts and provide a short talk on the environmental benefits of planting trees. The Board considered both options and thought they had merit. Mike said he would check in with Jenny to see if there was a section of the greenways corridor that was in need of planting. Another option would be to inquire with other communities to see if they need tree planting. Like Woodsboro, (Home of Trout’s chicken.) Claude said he would contact Jim to see if he would be interested in the tree planting option.
Nature Notes: Lori mentioned that she is caught up with editing the articles she had. Now she needs additional articles! Tom said he could do an article about wolly bears predicting the winter weather. Mike has an article ready about fall berries and can do another on the importance of acorns, and other hard mast for overwintering wildlife.
Web Site: Tyson said that it is mostly up to date but he still needs approval to display the photos generated from our big tree measuring escape last summer. Mike mentioned that he asked the owner of the large ginkgo if they could use the photo but the owner would not provide his consent.
New business:
Fall meeting: November 7, 2015 Claude and Tom indicated that they would like to attend. Mike should be able to drive.
Meeting location: with the coming of harsh weather the Tea Room at Gambrill will now longer be available until at least April, 2016. Ginny graciously offered her home as a meeting location over the winter and we jumped on the invite. Keith in particular, already requesting some of his favorite cookies.
Help at Waterford: Ginny mentioned that they could use some help sawing up downed trees at Waterford if someone could spare some chainsaw time.