Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
June 13, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Those Present: Tom Anderson, Claude Eans, Keith Schoonover, Lori Schoonover, Vince Perrotta, Tyson Rose, Dawne Howard, Christine Maccabee, Spencer, Mike Kay
Keith called the meeting to order.
Membership: Christine and Spencer introduced themselves. Christine lives near Sabillasville in Eylers Valley and has written some Nature Notes columns. She was interested in Board activities and accepted Tom’s invitation to attend the meeting. Spencer lives nearby and he helped Christine find the Tea Room. Spencer decided to stay for the meeting. Mr. Don Johnson who had attended some meetings emailed Mike to say that he has a conflict with Monday meetings and decided to discontinue attending Forestry Board meetings.
Treasurer’s report: Tom mentioned that we received $.37 interest for the month. Tom reimbursed Waterford Park $725 for a tree planting project and Mike $31.24 for refreshments that he brought to this meeting. At the previous meeting Tom mentioned that after 20+ years he is ready to relinquish the Treasurer duties. Claude and Tom discussed this last month and Claude volunteered to assume the duties of Treasurer if it was okay with the Board. Vince made a motion to nominate Claude as Board Treasurer. This motion was seconded by Keith and subsequently passed by the voting members present. Claude now becomes the Board Treasurer. Congratulations Claude! Claude, Mike, and Tom will meet at the local bank to switch names on the checking account.
Logging site exams: Mike received two plans this month. Mike also explained the history behind the Board’s involvement in logging site plan reviews to Christine and Spencer. Mike will contact Vince, Claude, Steve, and Keith by email to see who may be available to visit the sites on either June 22 or June 23.
NRCC Camp: Both Claude and Dawne mentioned that they are going to camp and have contacted Dawn Balinski and Gabriele Oldham stating their intent. Christine said that she would be interested but cannot drive that far. Tom wrote a check for $1,350 to pay tuition to the 3 students we voted to send to camp. Mike will mail the check to the Maryland Forestry Board Foundation.
Sustainability Commission: Tom distributed the agenda for the upcoming Sustainability Commission meeting to be held Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at Black’s Orchard near Thurmont, MD at 2:00 pm. The meeting includes a tour of the orchard and it is open to the public. Tom invited interested Forestry Board members to attend this meeting and tour the orchard.
Big Tree Program: Mike measured a few large trees when he was out and about in the county including a large green ash tree at Mount Saint Mary’s College and Seminary that should be a county champion. (This tree is being treated for eab.) Claude and Mike visited the property of Van Jacobs is Mt. Airy last week to measure a large sycamore and Osage orange on the property. The Jacob’s property was the final request that was made from multitude of requests that occurred after the newspaper article man last October. We have now completed all these measurements!
Nature Notes: Lori indicated that she has edited and sent “numerous” articles to Karen Gardner. Christine mentioned that she is putting the finishing touches on an article about the Blue Butterfly.
Web Site: Tyson mentioned that the Web Site is up to date. Tyson requested more photos that he can post to jazz up the website.
Other business:
Ginny Brace sent Mike an email that talked about a new initiative to use alternative trees for syrup. Ginny mentioned that folks are now tapping black walnut for syrup and asked members to consider tapping some of the walnuts at Waterford for syrup. Mike also mentioned that he read an article that talked about tapping hickory, and black birch for syrup. (Perhaps there is a Nature Notes column here?)
Spencer also spoke a little bit about white charcoal and how the Japanese are utilizing this as a fuel source and some of its other applications (Nature Notes?)
Christine mentioned that she would be happy to host a future Forestry Board Meeting at her house.