Frederick County

Forest Conservancy District Board

July 10, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Those Present: Tom Anderson, Dave Barrow, Claude Eans, Tyson Rose, Jim Arnold, Dawne Howard, Dave Hunter, Mike Kay

  1. Claude called the meeting to order.

  2. Treasurer’s Report: Claude noted that the Treasury has been decreasing ever since Frederick County has stopped providing the Board with their yearly stipend. Claude lead a discussion about the need to approach the County to return funding preferably to the $2,000/year level that we had been receiving after Frederick County mandated that the Frederick Board become involved in the Logging Permit process in Resource Conservation areas. After much discussion it was decided that Tom and Dave Hunter will draft a letter to the County Council which overviews our services to the county mentioning that we will be applying for funding during the next fiscal cycle early next year. Tom and Dave should have a draft copy of the letter in hand for the September meeting so that Board members can review and we can develop a final version. We earned $.23 interest.

  3. Logging site exams: Mike received 1 plan. (Mike and Claude visited the site on Tuesday, July 11, 2017.) Mike explained the Board’s role in the timber approval process which initiated long discussion about the Board’s role in the permit process. We might want to revisit this discussion at a later meeting especially once we approach the County about funding.

  4. Big Tree Program: Claude mentioned that he visited the site of the large silver maple we measured back in 2015 to see if the landowners would be willing to sign a consent form to list their tree. The landowners signed the release and the tree was listed as a Frederick County Champion. Claude and Steve also measured a large flowering dogwood which became a Maryland State champion. (It is also bigger than a lot of other state champion dogwoods.) This dogwood has a massive crown spread and a split down the middle. We discussed what to do about this; and, it was decided that we mention the split to the owners and recommend that they contact local arboricultural companies to have a representative come out and look at the tree. In our humble opinion the tree would benefit by bracing and installing some cables. Claude volunteered to speak to the landowners about this.

  5. NRCC: The program will run from July 23 – 29, 2017. Claude does not think that he can visit this year and Dawne still might be able to attend.

  6. Sustainability Commission: Tom distributed lightbulbs to those present. Tom also mentioned that the Consultant’s Report was delivered and it stated that composting will reduce trash by 30% throughout the County. Dave mentioned that a commercial composting company has already set up shop in Frederick County (Key City Composting).

  7. FFA Training/Competition: The set up for the competition will be on Thursday, July 13, 2017. We will meet at the main office at Stronghold at 9:00 am. The competition will be the next day.

  8. National Envirothon Training/Competition: To be held at Mt. St. Mary’s College and Seminary. The training date for this program is scheduled for Monday, July 24, 2017. Mike will forward the email he received regarding this event. The event coordinators require that we preregister and provide our shirt size because all trainers will need to have an event tee shirt.

  9. Nature Notes: Dawne, Tom, Mike have been contributing articles and we now have built up a backlog.

  10. Web Site: Tyson mentioned that the Web Site is up to date he posted information on the silver maple, and flowering dogwood Big Tree champions.

  11. New Business:

  • Dave Barrow mentioned that the Sierra Club has a scholarship for high school students who are planning to major in the Biological or Environmental Sciences. We should encourage students to apply for this scholarship.

  • Dave Hunter invited Board members to attend a pot luck dinner at Catoctin Quaker Camp on Wednesday, July 26, 2017.

  • Dawne mentioned that Fountain Rock Camp will be having a 30th Anniversary Celebration on August 30, 2017. The program will be during the evening and is only open to adults.

  • Tom reminded everybody of the Thrashing Day Program.

  • Mike reminded everybody of the summer recess, as such there will be no meeting in August.

The summer recess is now in effect. It’s time to park the sedan and break the convertible or Harley’s out. Fire up the grill using genuine wood chips or white charcoal if you must. Ditch the coffee and go with ice tea or lemonade. See you next, in a month that ends in “r”!