2018-01 January meeting minutes
Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
January 8, 2018 Meeting Minutes
The January 8, 2018 meeting was canceled due to wintery conditions and icy roads. Below are some notes from ongoing projects etc.
Treasurer’s Report: Claude mentioned that we received $.29 interest in December. Claude submitted a $330 check back to MUCFC for the Thurmont grant funds that were not used, this check has not yet been cashed. The Emmitsburg tree planting was postponed until spring, 2018 and the MUCFC funds remain in our Treasury.
Logging site exams: No plans were received prior to the meeting.
Scout training program: The program is scheduled for May 12, 2018 at the Walkersville Watershed. Attendance will be limited to 50 students. We are still looking for someone to assist with the Forest Ecology station. Claude intends to visit the watershed to see if any big changes have been made there since the last training. Claude also wishes to obtain removable labels for tree id similar to what was used for Envirothon. We are planning to do a dry run prior to the training, probably in April
Landowner Easement Educational program: No word about funding. Mike proposes that we table this program and concentrate on the Merit Badge training.
Tom sent a letter January 4, 2018, to the County Council in support of the County Executive's proposed Forest Resource Ordinance revision that will enhance forest planting and preservation activities above the minimum State requirements for development.
Green Fest: Dave Barrow volunteered to be present at the Green Fest on May 12, 2018 and staff a Forestry Board booth. Others may join Dave after the Merit Badge Training.
Statewide Meeting: The Winter Statewide Forestry Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 3, 2018.