2018-03 March meeting minutes
Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
March 12, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Those Present: Dawne Howard, Tom Anderson, Steve Thrasher Claude Eans, Jim Arnold, Dave Hunter, Vince Perrotta, Dave Barrow, Keith Schoonover, Lori Schoonover, Karen Russell, Mike Kay
Keith called the meeting to order.
Membership: Keith presented Lori with her commission as a member of the Forestry Board. Welcome onboard Lori! We also introduced ourselves to Karen Russell. Karen is a Master Naturalist and heard about the Board from Tom and Dawne. Karen decided to take in a meeting to learn more about the Forestry Board. We thanked Karen for visiting us and mentioned that we are always looking for new members.
Treasurer’s Report: Claude mentioned we received two checks totaling $1,500. The $1,000 check is earmarked for Friends of Waterford Park whilst the $500 check is directed to the Mt. Airy Trails Committee. Claude mentioned that our interest had not yet been posted.
Logging site exams: Mike mentioned that Annapolis Staff member, Dan Rider and Regional Forester, George Eberling are interested in joining the Board to conduct the timber harvest exams on Tuesday, March 20, 2018. George will bring his Suburban which can hold 6 individuals. Vince and Dave Hunter have indicated that they are interested in conducting these reviews.
Winter Meeting: The Statewide Winter Meeting was cancelled due to the winter storm.
NRCC talk at Middletown High: Mike and Claude will visit Middletown High for 3 programs on Friday, March 16, 2018.
Scout training program: Claude took a moment to explain what this program was all about to Karen before providing the following update. The date for this program is Saturday, May 12, 2018. Claude mentioned that 15 scouts have already signed up for the program. We have staffing for all 5 of the stations. Claude purchased 150 evergreens to be planted on the property. The April business meeting will be held at the Watershed to give folks a chance to scope things out.
Green Fest: Dave purchased 200 trees for the program along with Claude’s order which totaled $205.00. Dave is collecting materials for handouts at this event and has some Tree Farm brochures. Please supply Dave with any handouts you think are appropriate for the event. Dave inquired whether or not the board had any displays and Tom mentioned that he still had the old display that Larry Sharpe made. Tom said the actual display was in good shape but the felt, photos etc. are in rough shape. Dave indicated that he can restore the display if Tom can get it to him.
Sustainability Commission: Tom submitted our comments in support of Jan Gardner’s proposed Revision to the County FRO program. There appears to be another proposal in the works according to Mike Wilkins of Planning and Zoning which is a compromise between the more stringent and lenient proposals. Tom also mentioned that there is a movement to encourage composting throughout the County especially in the school system. Tom expects a bill to be proposed that is intended to supply some guidance and structure for composting and there may be a permit requirement tied into the initiative to protect those who decide to compost.
Monocacy River Commission Meeting: Tom, Dave Hunter, and Karen Russell attended the Monocacy River Commission meeting. Karen summed up the meeting saying that the number of detractors to the Monocacy River Plan greatly outnumber the number of supporters. Many of the detractors view this as being a land grab and an affront to private property rights. Dave agreed with Karen’s assessment of the meeting stating that the detractors don’t seem to appreciate that the recommendations made are merely suggestions on how to preserve and enhance the river corridor; and it is not law.
Nature Notes: Lori thanked those that submitted Nature Notes articles to Sue in her absence. Lori mentioned that our backlog is still fairly extensive. Tom mentioned that he intends to do an updated article on spotted lantern fly. Mike received some article suggestions from Ginny Brace and he will try to put some articles together. Tom mentioned that he met Sue Gwynn at an International Tractor club meeting recently and had a nice chat with her.
Web Site: Tyson and Dave are working to transition the web site over to Dave who will function as the site administrator. Dave said he plans to make some changes to make it easier to navigate the site and search for individual articles.
New Business: Dave Hunter asked if there were any chainsaw training programs coming up that he can send some of his personnel to. Mike said that he would check with Dave Robbins.