2018-09 October meeting minutes
Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
Meeting Minutes for October 8, 2018
Those Present: Tom Anderson, Claude Earns, Keith Schoonover, Lori Schoonover, Jim Arnold, Dave Barrow, Vince Perrotta, Bruce Phillips, Dave Hunter, Phil Giuliano, Mike Kay
Keith called the meeting to order.
Introductions: Dave Barrow invited Phil Giuliano to the meeting. Both Dave and Phil recently completed the Woodlands Stewards Course put on by University of MD Extension and Sheppard’s springs in Washington County. Both gentlemen said that the training was very worthwhile and they learned a lot. Phil mentioned that he owns a 35 acre tract of forest off Hamburg Road near the Frederick City Watershed with his brother. Phil has a Stewardship Plan and he manages for forest health and productivity. The brothers are also very interested in obtaining edible mushrooms and have begun an innovative program to grow oyster shell mushrooms on the cut stumps and logs of ailanthus trees. The hope is that the mushrooms will be edible; and, as the mushrooms extract nourishment from the ailanthus stumps they will inhibit the sprouting response thereby providing a more natural weed control versus the use of herbicides.
Treasurer’s Report: Claude indicated that he received the $650 stipend from Frederick County and $350 from the McCartney family that was deposited into the Treasury. Claude and Mike also submitted a $3,000 grant proposal to the Community Foundation of Frederick County‘s Education Fund to fund students to NRCC. (We explained how at our current rate of funding we have enough money to send 2 -3 students to camp but now we are identifying 5 – 6 qualified candidates.) The additional funds will allow us to send the additional candidates to camp. We submitted the proposal on time and received an email saying that our application was complete and we should be advised by the end of October whether or not we received the funding.
Logging site exams: No plans were received prior to the meeting.
Funding Opportunities: Dave looked into Amazon Smile and said we could set up an account whereby we would receive (.05%) for purchases that designees make on Amazon. Dave inquired whether or not the Forestry Board Foundation would be willing to accept these funds and was advised that they would not. As such the funds would have to come directly to the Board. Dave mentioned that the Board does not have to file a tax return if they accept less than $5,000 per year. Given the Amazon funding we would be looking at two possibilities, a. capping contributions so that we don’t exceed $5,000 or b. hiring an accountant to file our taxes if funds exceed $5,000. Some discussion about the merits of this funding ensued. It was mentioned that we could expect about $50 - $100 month given other experiences with Amazon smile. After some discussion Dave made a motion that we set up an Amazon Smile Account. The motion was seconded and passed by those present. Dave will set up the account with a $5,000 cap.
Big Tree Program: Bethany, Claude, and Mike measured a large boxelder and elm tree in Frederick City. The boxelder was in fair to poor condition with branch dieback and some large cavities. The elm was in good shape the circumference was not overly large but the tree had a large crown spread. We sent the measurements and photos to John Bennett and are awaiting his response.
Large Chestnut Oak: Claude met with members of the cemetery foundation to look at the tree and discuss alternatives. The Board already solicited estimates for tree removal. Claude did some preliminary measurements and determined that the chestnut oak would be a Carroll County champion and the tree would be the 5th largest in the state. Claude also mentioned that the board should contact at least 3 Tree Care companies and ask the representatives to look at the tree to see if it could be saved, and what corrective measures should be taken (pruning, fertilizing, etc.) to bring it back to a healthy state. Claude’s point was that the corrective measures could be much less than the cost of removal; and, they would retain this large stately tree to grace the historic cemetery for many years to come. The administrators liked that idea and they voted to look into the maintenance option obtaining contact information that Claude provided. It is also likely that members of the Carroll County Forestry Office will stop by and officially measure this tree for the Big Tree program assuming that the board decides to save the tree.
NRCC Camp: Tom displayed articles that ran in Sunday’s News Post on NRCC. (Nature Notes column and a story about Dawne’s experiences at camp. Mike mentioned that we have already received one application for camp from an individual who was not able to attend in 2018. After some discussion it was decided that we will wait until 2019 to interview for the camp.
Sustainability Commission: Tom mentioned that the Commission took at field trip to the Bar-T Camp to look at some of the environmental projects going on at this facility.
Spotted Lantern Fly program: Mike explained that Washington County Forester Aaron Cook contacted him about a joint venture with our respective boards to host a workshop on the coming threat of spotted lantern fly. Aaron had much of the program formulated including the fee structure. The plan is that we will pay for morning refreshments, provide a donation for the venue, then split the remaining funds between both boards. We will target professional arborists, foresters, and individuals who are registered pesticide applicators along with orchardists, vineyards, Master Gardner’s, Master Naturalists, interested members of general public etc. When we were addressing this program online JoAnne Hunter with Fox Haven offered their facility for the program and we set the program up for December 14, 2018 at Fox haven. We have an agenda, obtained continuing educational credits, developed a flyer, and have a Paypal account so people can enroll online. As such, we are good to go. Dave is advertising the program on our website and we will advertise on the Extension website, DNR website, and MDA website. The facility at Fox Haven will accommodate about 75 – 80 people comfortably so we will have to cap registration at that number. It was mentioned that if the program sells out quickly we can develop a waiting list and consider a second program in a month or so after the first program. Mike asked members to try to get the word out through their various channels to help ensure that everybody has an equal opportunity to attend the program. Mike also said that members are welcome to attend and we would need help with registration, set up, and during the program i.e. (speak briefly about what the forestry board does, introduce speakers, emcee.) Numerous members said that they intend to attend the program and can assist as necessary.
Nature Notes: Lori mentioned that she has a fairly substantial backlog and thanked members for supplying articles.
New Business:
Dave mentioned that the Stream Link group is planning another tree planting on October 20 along with the dates in November. (November 3, 10, 17.) The location of the October 20 planting is at Stonegate Park in the city of Frederick.
Mike mentioned that he and Claude intend to attend the Fall Association meeting and can provide car- pooling if anybody else wants to attend.