2018-10 December meeting minutes
Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
Meeting Minutes for December 10, 2018
Those Present: Vince Perrotta, Laura Perrotta, Tom Anderson, Claude Earns, Keith Schoonover, Lori Schoonover, Jim Arnold, Dave Barrow, Bruce Phillips, Dave Hunter, Bethany Dellagnello, Ginny Brace, Mike Kay
Vince and Laura Perrotta invited the Forestry Board over for a very fine dinner. Heck there were 5 different choices for dessert! What a feast. Ginny Brace stopped by to join us and it was nice to catch up with her. Following dinner there was some “casual” discussion that is captured here…
Membership: Keith handed out renewed memberships to Vince, Claude and Tom. Good deal guys, “Three More Years!” Keith also presented Bethany with her new membership. Welcome to the Board Bethany! Dave Hunter and Bruce Phillips also submitted applications for membership and we hope to welcome as new members during the January meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Claude indicated that he received $.23 interest in November. Claude and Mike submitted a grant application to the Community Foundation of Frederick County but our application was turned down. We will try again and both Bethany and Lori volunteered to review the application before we submit it. Dave looked into Amazon Smile and discovered that the Board would have to be a 501C3 organization; as such, we are not eligible.
Logging site exams: No plans were received prior to the meeting.
Fall Meeting: Claude, Dave Hunter, and Mike attended the meeting. Some of the highlights as relayed by these gentlemen include: A copy of the News Post article with Bethany and Claude’s measuring of the Sugarberry was distributed to all along with the Lanternfly workshop. John Bennett specifically pointed out the fine work the Frederick Board is doing with Big Tree measuring. The State Association has contracted with a mapping contractor to purchase a mapping program that will enable members to conduct individual tree analysis for street tree inventories etc. The NRCC program is up and running and the committee would like Boards to interview and select students as soon as applications arrive.
Lanternfly Program: So far we have 27 paid applicants for the program. Mike asked for a show of hands of members that plan to attend and he counted eight members. As per morning refreshments Dave Barrow indicated that he has 5 dozen English Muffins that he is bringing. Mike will look into coffee doughnuts, water, etc. It was suggested that we look at the Jefferson Bakery for doughnuts. The program is slated to begin at 9:00 am so members are encouraged to arrive by 8:30 to help set up.
Healthy Forests Healthy Water: Vince and Mike visited all of the 2018 HFHW plantings. Mike determined seedling survival while Vince spoke with the landowner if they were present and took photos. Vince indicated that all of the plantings look well cared for and the landowners were very positive about the program. Mike indicated that his survival counts ranged from 89% survival to 96% which is very good survival. Dave Barrow mentioned that the administrators and sponsors of the HFHW program stopped by his property in early October to look at the planting and talk to landowners. This group was very impressed with the care and survival with the various plantings they looked at.
Sustainability Commission: Tom relayed that the Creek Relief program was very successful this year and Frederick County intends to conduct the program again in 2019. The Sustainability Commission is also concentrating on recycling especially with the public schools.
Nature Notes: Lori indicated that she received a lot more articles and thanked folks for doing this. Mike mentioned that more than 500 articles have been written so far.
Web site: Dave Barrow recommended that members check out the Former Member section of the website. Many members said that they already have and said it was nice to read about past members. Dave requested that we send him photos of former members that he can post with these bios.
New Business:
Dave Barrow mentioned he and four other individuals were the only participants at the Thurmont tree planting. Nonetheless all the trees were planted after about 3 hours work. The Stream Link plantings were much better attended and they were able to finish the plantings in about an hour.
Dave Barrow also relayed some of the highlights of a recent Tree Farm Executive Committee. The Tree Farm program is losing members and they hired a consultant to interview members and inspectors and they are taking steps to increase membership.
Next meeting: We discussed meeting at either Keith and Lori’s cabin, the Friends Meeting House in Frederick or the Frederick Public Library. We decided to solve this matter via email.