Frederick County
Forest Conservancy District Board
June 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Those present: Dawne Howard, Vince Perrotta, Dave Barrow, Dave Hunter, Keith Schoonover, Lori Schoonover, Drake Russell, Bruce Phillips, Sonia Demiray, Bethany Dell'Agnello, Mike Kay
Call to Order: Vince called the meeting to order. Keith arrived during the Treasurer’s report and took over.
Treasurer’s Report: Dave indicated that we received $.11 in interest. Dave mentioned that we discussed helping to fund a Carroll County student for NRCC and a motion was made to “Fund a Carroll County student at $450.” This motion was seconded and open for discussion, however there was no official vote, and Tom made a second motion to consider refunding the Carroll County Student’s Activity Fee if they submit a report to the Board. Dave reviewed this motion and said due to the lack of a final vote and, that there was a second motion on the table we should begin where we left off. Correspondingly a motion was made to fund a Carroll County student for $450 and Tom’s motion was not seconded. So in essence Tom’s motion was off the table. The motion to fund a Carroll County student for $450 was seconded, there was no discussion, and the motion was passed by those present. Dave will submit $450 to Dawn Balenski to be used for NRCC tuition. Dave mentioned that we have $5,758.58 in the Treasury. Mike mentioned that we received a $100 donation from the Darrell McCartney family; and Mike will send this check to Dave.
Logging Site Exams: Mike distributed a plan for the Emmitsburg watershed. Mike will coordinate this site exam via email. Keith also mentioned that the Maryland Forests Association is trying to schedule a meeting with Frederick County Government to discuss the logging permit process. The initial meeting was cancelled and an alternate date has not been scheduled yet.
NRCC: Both Baby Cornish and Quinn Wieber were chosen and have accepted our offer to attend NRCC. (Quinn was the gentleman we interviewed from CT.) Both Sonia and Dawne intend to visit camp and work on a promotional video we can feature on the website and offer to other Boards as well. Sonia and Dawne are going to inquire whether other Boards wish to assist with this by identifying students to appear in the video etc.
Climate Change Committee: In an email message Tom indicated that they have a draft report of recommendations that their committee will be submitting to the County.
Big Tree Measuring: Bethany and Vince met with Worman’s Mill residents to offer advice on how to design a tree walk on their property in a historic section called the Olde Annapolis Road. Bethany and Vince helped the residents select trees, offered advice on the best tree tags to acquire, and suggested some invasive species removal projects. The Woman’s Mill group had established some flower beds and was engaged in some landscaping projects as well. The Worman’s Mill program is much less involved than our Baker Park and Hood College endeavors. There was some discussion on whether or not we should set up a policy statement on designing similar tree walks if this program expands in popularity; and, it was decided to see how things transpire and work on a case by case basis for now. Bethany said we have a smallish backlog of big trees we need to measure; and she was hoping we could combine training of the height instrument gauge with actual tree measuring. Presently there is going to be some difficulty scheduling a tree measuring day so we will take this up during the July meeting.
PR Activities: Sonia mentioned that the 3rd in a series of 4 articles about Tree Farms has now run in the Frederick News Post and she will be drafting the final article on Wildlife soon. Sonia also mentioned that she and Dawne will be developing the NRCC video this summer at camp. Sonia and Dave are having some problems linking Facebook with Instagram now and Bethany said she had similar problems but discovered the fix which she will share with Sonia. Working with the new social media contacts has really increased our exposure. We had 1,500 Facebook hits on the Wolfsville tree planting and 866 new people a now following our Board since the last meeting!
Nature Notes: Lori mentioned that we have a really good backlog of articles. Dave mentioned that we have 21 nature notes pending publications at the FNP. We have 16 awaiting review. This backlog should carry us through 2021 but Lori is always looking for more new articles.
Web Site: Dave mentioned that he designed our photos such that those donated by members with no potential copy right issues are present on the website while photos used from outside sources contain a link to the photographer such that people inquiring whether or not they can use the photo can contact the photographer directly.
New Business: Mike mentioned that there has been some disruption to the normal summer recess due to Covid. The August fishing trip to Canada is off but a September trip to the UP of Michigan is on. As such the summer recess will be observed in September not August. In addition, we will be meeting at Pavilion #3 for the duration of 2021. i.e. (July- October).
Vince mentioned that he attended the virtual program White Oak to Whisky Barrel production. Vince said he learned a lot and hopes we can plant and otherwise regenerate white oak for its many benefits and uses including whisky production. Secretly Vince was wondering if all the time spent with wine might have been better utilized distilling bourbon.