Frederick County

Forest Conservancy District Board

July 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Those present: Dawne Howard, Dave Hunter, Keith Schoonover, Lori Schoonover, Drake Russell, Bruce Phillips, Sonia Demiray, Tom Anderson, Mike Kay

Dave Hunter arrived early to Shelter #3 and grilled out some sausage and pickles. Everybody commented on how tasty this was and we decided to nominate Dave as the Board’s official “grill” cook. Although we don’t expect Dave to do the same during the August meeting it sure would be nice if he did! Thanks Dave!

  1. Call to Order: Keith called the meeting to order.

  2. Treasurer’s Mike relayed the report that Dave Barrow sent him. (As an aside Dave B. makes a killer barbecue. Perhaps we can nominate Dave B. as a grill cook also? Just think Dave + Dave’s Barbecue or Dave2 Barbecue? I wish they would go in business and put a truck right at the bottom of Gambrill Park Road at the Old Dan Dee restaurant!) Anyway, we received $.12 interest. We submitted a $450 check for Baby Cornish’s NRCC tuition and $450 check to fund one of Carroll County’s student. Our ending balance is $4,808.50. Members commented that our Treasury balance is getting low. After some discussion it was decided that the Board will discuss fund raising activities at the next meeting. Please give this some thought and come prepared to share your ideas at the August meeting.

  3. Logging Site Exams: Mike indicated that no plans have been received prior to the meeting. Keith mentioned that many of the permits that were on hold at Frederick County have now been issued.

  4. NRCC: Sonia and Dawne created a lineup of clips of the activities Gabrielle and other camp leaders wish to highlight in the new video. They will offer the students this list of clips so each can choose one to shoot. Once this is completed, Sonia will review the clips, write a script, and obtain approvals. Dave and Sonia will then edit these clips down to the finished video based on an approved script. Sonia asked if there was someone knowledgeable about the camp to provide input for the script. Mike suggested that Sonia talk with Western Regional Urban Forester, Becky Wilson because Becky has been associated with the camp for many years now and Gabrielle Oldham would also be another excellent source. Mike indicated that Dawn Balenski sent an email saying our CT student Quinn had not submitted his $450 tuition or $125 activity fee. Also, Baby had not sent the $125 activity fee either. Mike sent email messages to both parties and Quinn’s Dad replied that they will mail the checks today (7-13-21). So far, Mike has not heard from Baby.

  5. PR Activities: Sonia mentioned that the press release for the Stronghold Visit has been sent to numerous outlets throughout the region. Four articles on Tree Farming have been published and were very well received. We are now able to link Instagram with Facebook. Also, Sonia, Dawne, and Dave will be working on the NRCC video that we discussed earlier.

  6. Nature Notes: Lori mentioned that she recently received articles about the declining oak trees and cicada damage that will be sent to the Frederick News Post for expedited release.

  7. Website: As per Dave’s report: Dave updated the home page photo with a picture from the C & O Canal near the Monocacy Aqueduct.

  8. New Business: Tom provided an update from the Frederick County Climate Change committee. Tom prepared final recommendations from the Forestry and Agriculture committee and submitted them to the chair. Basically the group advised that work should be done to increase Frederick County’s present tree cover from 15% to 20% by 2050. Also, forests should be managed where it is desirable to do so to promote native plants by controlling invasive plants; and, various management regimes should be instituted to promote vitality and diversity into the forest. This includes forest harvesting. Tom overviewed the new Tree Solutions Now Act that was passed by State Legislature. This will greatly increase funding and resources for tree planting projects across the state.